Possible bug: School boards increase old_middle instead of old_middle_spd, in the code at least, have not actually tested this.
Recent community posts
Suggestion: Instead of a 5% limit wouldn't the neorevisionists prefer first past the post (or was that only Mierendorff)? Then a strong regional party like BVP would survive while DDP and others would not.
Suggestion: If you get more than 50% in catholic it might be a good idea to have an event where you can spend resource(s) to essentially usurp the BVP and get rid of them.
Suggestion: If you do enough constitutional reforms officially change the name of the country.
Question: Would it be fitting to have other factions wanting constitutional reforms like the left wanting to give full political power to the councils (all power to the...)? Though then neorevisionism having to be accepted would not make sense for the referendum...
Bug: When a party gets less then 5% of the vote after the constitutional amendment they are still shown to have one seat in the Reichstag.
Bug: Constitutional Reform does not show up when using Government affairs. Likely because "#tags: govt_affairs" but there is another mistake "judiciary_timer = 0" which should be "constitutional_reform_timer = 0" and Radbruch should have "constitutional_reform_timer -= 12".
Bug: You can do all the constitutional reforms several times.
Bug: You can sign the Concordat several times.
Bug: When using easy_discard after having used an advisor's ability the card show up in your hand (if you have space in it). It also sets your advisor_action_timer to 6.
Maybe bug: The BVP does not get nuked for being under the 5% threshold after the reform.
Maybe bug: When doing minor reforms (and only in the case of minor reforms) dissent) judiciary_timer goes up with an extra 6 months.
Played as labor on easy, goal was to get 80% among workers 70% among new middle, 50% among unemployed (and less then 10 unemployed) having only accepted the WTB-plan and having done all three work council reforms while having an SPD-majority government. Obviously I was not allowed to become a people's party. This was a lot easier then my challenge as the centrists, but I think that makes perfect sense.
Some simple suggestions regarding the game as is:
I was going to have only two suggestions but went overboard, and I hope you don't mind. The game is great as is, I don't want to seem to imply it isn't.
Having state buyer (in agricultural policy) should have a monthly effect on inflation, particularly when you also control the finance ministry.
If you control the finance ministry should make the Reichsbank help you in the event High Inflation.
Having high inflation should have a passive negative effect, like deflation has.
Values such as nationalism, socialism and pro_republic:
There should be a lowest value for nationalism, as is now it can get ridiculously small.
There should be more ways to promote socialism, I might have missed something in the code but I think only focusing on radio has an effect. If you do end up changing this, there should be a max value of socialism too.
Values such as pro_republic, socialism and nationalism should have a bigger effect when campaigning, maybe as multipliers?
Stahlhelm ans SA:
Having banned SA and Stahlhelm should effect them more so that they gain less during events or when dealing with the reichsbanner.
The strength of SA should be taking more into account during events such as all quiet on the western front, and the threshold for a civil war should be based on the strength of sa + sh, but not take whether they are banned or not into account.
It's a lot more difficult to get less than 1% unemployment now (the game automatically sets it to 1% if it's below 1%).
My method is, get two land reforms during 1929, get WTB-plan implemented ones 1929 and once more january 1930 (unemploment is then 15.6% which makes WTB nr 2 remove 5% unemployment), then land reform twice during 1930 (unepoyment has to be over 5% for land reform and WTB and lowering taxes to have an effect), AND lower overal taxes ones 1930 (if done 1929 in conjungtion with two land reforms WTB nr 2 is weaker), do the WTB-plan again january 1931 and then do the third work council reform 1931 (removes 2% unemployment, if done earlier it gets uneployemnt to low for the WTB-plan to have the dissired effect), january 1932 and 1933 do the nationalizations (remove 1.2% uneployment twice) and if you keep capital strike progress low enough you can survive high inflation without business even getting worried (raises unemployment).
Bug: The adoption of the WTB-plan still doesn't work. If you have wtb support at 2 save, and test it a few times, sometimes you get it adopted, sometimes you don't (this also applies to the left plan and probably also the reformist plan so I think it's a quite serious bug). If you change an advisor before the card shows up it sometimes starts working.
My theory on the problem (this might be completely wrong btw): The card checks the requirements when it shows up, but it doesn't "see" the wtb support (or left support or reform support) until you change scene maybe? Not sure about this since going to the library or doing another card does not fix the problem, only removing (adding?) an advisor.
Additionally, if you succeed on every point and then get a KPD vote of no confidence the game thinks you failed their demands. And you can still shuffle ministers despite being in a government where all the ministers belong to the SPD (left front) and when you do shuffle the ministers you cannot see the agriculture minister.
Additional bug: If KPD blows up the coalition you still get to take all the ministerial positions if you get into the weimar coalition, did not test the grand coaltion.
In a game where I had done all of these before the coalition was started , none after, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - failed
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - failed
- Make taxes more progressive. - failed
- Support workers in labor disputes. - failed
- Reduce funding for the Reichswehr. - failed
In a game where I had done all of these after the coalition was started , none before, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - success
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - success
- Make taxes more progressive. - success
- Support workers in labor disputes. - success
- Reduce funding for the Reichswehr. - success
Also, I think it's odd that you can choose worse coalitions. Like if you have Weimar coalition available you shouldn't be able to take the grand coalition, and if you can be in the left front you shouldn't be able to take the popular front coalition. And if you get a majority by yourself you should have to govern by yourself. You should always be able to back out of coalition talks (you can't if you choose Weimar) and as long as you have less then 50% you should ba able to refuse to go into any coalition.
Speculation about bugs:
From my reading of the code the kpd_coalition_dissent can go up even if you're not in a coalition with them. Also if you are in a popular front or left front coalition and then have an election, geting in to a coalition with KPD should not risk a civil war anymore, since it's already been done.
From my reading of the code you will still be able to get negative unemployment.
From my reading of the code you will still be able to get negative support in the military if you block the building of the ship.
Normal bugs:
If you hold an election before Müller dies you can choose Breitschid as Chanselor.
Sometimes you cannot adopt an economic policy when you should be able to. I have no clue why, I saved on the crisis screen with WTB support being 2 and saved. Modified it several times and tried over and over again and it just did not accept it. Not when I had 4 not 3 not 2. Then I loaded to an earlier save made no memorably different actions and it accepted the plan.
It's possible to get 0% unemployment! I actually had -2% for a while (less than a month) until the capital strike struck.
I would suggest that you change the code so that if the unemployment gets bellow 0.1 it's set to 0.09 to avoid this (not via event as you could get more unemployment in another event and then click the set unemployment to 0.09% event), and to ad a line at the end in case you have less than 0.1 unemployment, maybe something like "Unemployment has sunken to a level where they are insignificant! This is a success of our economic policy."
The game can clearly still be beaten, I could have done better electorally if I had not insisted on passing all three land reforms, taking the State Buyer decision and passing every social reform as I had to defund the unemployed and such...
To do this you have to pass WTB-plan twice, (the second one HAS to be after 1930 has begun) and expand the councils three times before you pass three(!) nationalizations and then get the capital strike and empower workers to seize the factories without raising taxes ones. (Done on easy)
Bug (if I understand the code, which I may not): In economic_policy you have written "unemployed -= 3; unemployed -= 1.2 if works_councils >= 3; workers += 2.5;" But you should have written "unemployed -= 3; unemployed -= 1.2 if works_councils >= 3; workers += 3; workers += 1.2 if works_councils >= 3"
And in agricultural_policy (land reform) you have written unemployment -= 1; What is that?